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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Simple Beauty - 30 Day Water Challenge

Spring brings a sense of renewed vigor for me. I just have a great desire to improve my home, my activities, and my health. So while searching Pinterest for a little inspiration, I kept seeing posts about water challenges and how they could change a person's life. They could improve skin and digestion, improve circulation, and even help with weightloss with no other effort other than drinking a gallon of water a day. Well, that sounds like a great deal to me!

But there was a problem. Link after link showed no follow up to the challenge. I don't know about you, but I like empirical evidence. I want to know that someone else has tried something before I put myself through the agony. Because of this, I am going to be your guinea pig.

That's right. For 30 days, starting today, I am going to drink a gallon of water a day. I am going to photograph my face each morning to see if there are any visible changes. I will also document if I notice any other side effects like weightloss or energy or digestion improvement.

This isn't going to be without a little suffering on my part. I stay pretty busy with my family, so it's going to take concentrated effort for me to drink that much water. I also have quite a bit of traveling coming up, so I am going to have to work around that. But I'm will to do it if for no other reason than to have some documented evidence about how this challenge works for someone.

*Disclaimer - I am not a physician, and I make no recommendations for anyone's personal health.

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