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Friday, March 3, 2017

SImple Tasks - Children's Toys Week - Puzzles

Today's task is one for kids or kids at heart because I know many adults who love puzzles. Puzzles are great when you need to keep hands as busy as minds. The problem with puzzles is that after a while, children memorize how they go together, so the challenge is lost. Children also outgrow puzzles very quickly. In our house, last year's two year-old who struggled with 12 piece puzzles is now a three year-old who can assemble a 24 piece puzzle in just a couple of minutes.

When we go through puzzles, we want to consider the following:

*Is the puzzle too easy?
*Does the puzzle have all of its pieces? (Nothing is more frustrating than a missing piece!)
*Has the puzzle been completed so many times that it isn't challenging?
*Is the puzzle damaged? (Bent, water damaged, print peeling)
*Is the puzzle moldy?

I know you're probably curious about that last statement. Here's the deal: Puzzles are made from paper, and paper attracts moisture. Closet tend to draw moisture, so puzzles absorb it. If you notice that your puzzle pieces seem too pliable or have a musty order, it may be time to toss them. You're going to notice in my writings that I am adamant about eliminating mold. That is because I have an extremely mold-sensitive child, and even a few spores can cause a dangerous reaction in her.

A final note that applies to decluttering any children's toys: always consider your children's feelings. I know it is difficult for parents when children don't want to let go of anything. We like for those bedrooms to be tidy. But children have strong feelings associated with their possessions. Always ask for input from them. If your child isn't ready to let go of something, that's OK! By working decluttering into your daily routine, like with my Simple Tasks, your child will come to see it as normal and not a sporadic, sometimes traumatizing event. Let your child ease into decluttering so they understand how to value and respect their toys.

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