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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Simple Health - Allergy Relief

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I sell essential oils. I am merely sharing information about a remedy that has been a blessing for my children. Please consult your own healthcare provider before trying any remedy you find on the Internet to ensure that it will work with your body chemistry.

Pollen season is not our friend. Truthfully, there really isn't a time of year that is our friend as far as allergens are concerned, but the initial spring bloom seems to be a little tougher than the rest of the year. The kids have had allergy testing done, and we know that grasses and trees cause havoc in their little bodies. Since they also deal with immunodefiency, over-the-counter medications can be difficult for them to take. My daughter says Benadryl just makes her feel "out of the world loopy."  Benadryl also crosses the blood-brain barrier, so it can be especially hard on anyone who has suffered any neurological trauma. Because of this, we have had to try a few other methods, but in an emergency, our go-to remedy is our "allergy bomb."

Lemon, lavender, and peppermint oils
This remedy was recommended by our pediatrician, a doctor who specializes in allergies and immunology.  She understands that sometimes traditional medications can cause more problems for some kids, so she utilizes essential oils when science supports their use. For allergies, she recommended an allergy bomb, which is 5 drops of lemon, 5 drops of lavender, and 5 drops of peppermint essential oils mixed with 100 milliliters of water in a diffuser. Within minutes of running our diffuser, my kids start to breathe easier. Congestion clears, breathing regulates, and runny noses dry up. It has also helped several times when my son has had spasmodic croup attacks in the middle of the night.

One of our diffusers
While our pediatrician sells Doterra oils in her office, I have found that the Now Foods brand works just as well, and the cost is much lower. Our doctor is fine with this too, and since she is about 90 miles away, using the Now Foods brand is also more convenient because I can order them on Amazon. We also have 3 InnoGear diffusers from Amazon so our whole house is covered (after all, when do children ever stay in one place?).

We have been using this method to help control respiratory allergies for over a year now, and our entire family has seen improvement. Nights have been more peaceful, and as an added bonuses, the house always smells fresh and clean which is important to me since I can no longer use any air fresheners or scented cleaners. This method also helps keep our allergy control simple because if I see the pollen counts are projected to be unusually high, I can run the diffuser and usually prevent any major allergy attacks. This gives me great peace of mind along with a simple routine.


  1. Interesting. Thanks for the info. I'll look into it :). I always like things that help that as right now Mathew has allergies. He takes Zyrtec in the morning n I give him teaspoons of honey, and of course the 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar at least twice a day. I let the Zyrtec take effect for awhile then do vinegar mixed with half juice n half water (full glass almost)in the afternoon n w/ his meal. For coughs n allergies I do 1 Tablespoon of honey n 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice, heat in microwave for a few seconds n spoon it to him 1 or 2 times a day usually before bed. I always put vicks on him at night, n suck throat losenges or cough drops if he's at school.

  2. Also if he has a cough I use children's mucinex at night just the one that says cough (not cough n cold) since he takes Zyrtec, n I give him the full 10 ml. Kaylee gets vicks if she has a cough plus vicks rubbed on her feet with socks on at night, n of course Zyrtec, apple cider vinegar 3 teaspoons 3 times a day mixed with juice n water, n teaspoons of honey. Hope this helps!
