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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Simple Sundays - Purse Cleaning

It has been a rough two weeks for us with illnesses and allergies. But even when times get tough,  I still try to keep up with my routines to maintain simplicity. If I skip routines, I fall behind, and that just creates chaos.

The entire contents of my purged purse
On Sundays, along with making my weekly lists, I also clean out my purse. This task can be tiny for time people and huge for others because what we choose to carry varies. I am a mom, so I usually have snacks and clothes floating around in my bag, especially when we have had an out-of-town trip. I don't need last week's supplies hanging around for this week's business! 

Here is a quick checklist to help you purge the contents of your own bag:
*Remove receipts and file accordingly
*Remove expired and unnecessary coupons and old shopping lists and fliers
*Remove multiples (I found two hand-sanitizers in my bag!)
*Remove trash and anything soiled (anyone else find kids' clothes?)
*Remove anything that you don't have to take with you everywhere you go!
*Check expiration dates on food, medications, and make-up
*Check expiration dates on credit cards, driver's license, and insurance cards
*Check your ink pens to see if they work
*Charge your cell-phone

After an initial purge, it should be easy to keep your purse simplified and always ready to grab. I try to limit myself to just the basics in my bag so I don't have too much to dig through when I am out and so my bag doesn't get too heavy and cause shoulder strain.

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