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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Simple Treats - Slow Cooker Pumpkin Applesauce

It doesn't have to be fall for my family to enjoy something made with pumpkin. They could eat pumpkin bread every day. They also love pumpkin applesauce. This delicious treat is super healthy and can be a great snack or dessert. My kids ask for it over ice cream! As a bonus, your house will smell amazing while this cooks all day.
Raw honey adds a rich flavor

5 pounds fresh apple, fuji or gala for the majority
1 can of pure pumpkin
Apple juice
Cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice

Begin by washing the apples, especially if you plan to leave any traces of peels. Soaking in a sink full of water + 1/2 cup white vinegar for 10 minutes helps remove residue. Then just rinse and dry. Then peel the apples. They don't have to be perfect. Even if your family does not like apple peels, the peels won't be noticeable after the apples are cooked and blended. Leaving some peel in the sauce will make it heartier and add more fiber. When the peeling is done, chop the apples in 1" pieces, removing the seed cores and stems.

Chopped apples with honey
I use a 6 quart slow cooker, but a 4 or 5 would be sufficient. Keep in mind though you may need to adjust cooking times because larger cookers will cook faster. Add just enough apple juice to your slow cooker to cover the bottom of the crock. Slow cookers need moisture to help distribute heat, and by using apple juice instead of water, your sauce will maintain a rich flavor. Then add your apples. Add a drizzle of honey for a little sweetness. I recommend starting with a tablespoon, but it will largely depend on the season and how sweet the apples are. You can always add more later. Set the slow cooker to low and leave it for 2-3 hours.

When the apples begin to soften, stir them vigorously or use a potato masher. Cover and let cook another 2 hours hours until the apples have turned completely mushy and golden. Now add your can of pumpkin and the spice, stirring to completely incorporate the new ingredients. Start with 1 tsp of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice and adjust from there depending on your family's preference. Cook for another hour on low, then turn off the heat and allow the sauce to cool.

My batch made 4 pint jars
If your family likes chunky sauce, you can stop here. If they prefer a smoother texture, put the sauce in a blender, add another splash of apple juice, and blend until smooth. This a great way to help kids, and adults, who suffer with sensory impairment while eating. Just be sure to taste test the sauce before you blend it in case you need to add another touch of honey or spice.

This sauce will keep for about a week in the refrigerator, although ours never makes it that long. You should yield about 1/2 gallon of sauce.

Keep it simple, and enjoy!

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